Charlie Hoehn's 3^3 Project

December 2, 2008
Estimated reading time:
2 minutes

Charlie Hoehn has a cool new post up called The 3^3 project:

Over the year, we all discovered new things that we now love and recommend to everyone. Restaurants, food, movies, songs, bands, books, websites, articles, Youtube videos, etc. We recommend them because we’re confident that they’ll enrich another person’s life in some way or another. This is genuine word-of-mouth marketing. The person making the suggestion has nothing to gain from it personally, other than the satisfaction that he gets from knowing that he’s made someone’s life a little better.

But when you’re online, it’s a bit harder to find authentic recommendations. You don’t know if the source is being paid to write something or if they’re doing their friend a favor or what. But I’m not going to let that happen on this post.

I’m calling this “The 3^3 Project” (three to the third) because you need to recommend 3 things, describe each of them in 3 sentences, and then ask 3 more people to join this discussion. It allows us to find really cool stuff through genuine word-of-mouth, and possibly even come up with some Christmas gift ideas.

Here's my 3 (I posted these in the comments over at his blog):

  1. Stumbleupon - aside from delicious, this is my favoute firefox add-on, as it allows you to randomly generate any webpage that people have submitted to its databsae, and rate it upor down, so it learns what you like and don’t like. If you use the wikipedia channel, you can find any random wikipedia article that stumbleupon thinks might be of interest to you, based on your past preferences. The more you use it, the more accurate it gets and so the more quality content you come across.
  2. 2. Post-it highlighters - using these when I’m reading makes it infinitely easier to mark the relevant parts of a book. The page tabs save you so much time, so rather than flicking through the whole book, you can find the section you’re looking for in seconds. They make it much easier to review a book and its key messages.
  3. 3. Arrested Development - As I’m from the UK, I had never really seen this before. It’s one of the funniest sitcoms I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen quite a lot. Possibly better than the Office (which is my all-time favourite comedy show).

You can see what a lot of other people recommended on this thread at the Rudius Media Messageboard as well.

What are your three?

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