An Idea For Landlords

February 16, 2009
Estimated reading time:
2 minutes

Student house-hunting season is underway here in Leeds, and although I found it relatively easy this year, last year was a bitch. There are so many different property agents, private landlords and people handing out advice that it's hard to know where to start. Last year it took us almost 2 months to find a half-decent house at a reasonable price, and even then we weren't completely happy with it.

So here's an idea for you, property companies: transparency. I know it's a buzzword, but bear with me.

Do you know what would be awesome? If your company's website had great, in-depth video tours of all your properties, from the front garden, all the way through all the bedrooms, the bathrooms, the kitchen and so on. No more lenghty house viewing sessions that take up all of my saturday afternoon. I browse your site, find which properties I really like the look of, and then come in, you show me round, it's the same as the video, and bingo. I'm happy. I rent it on the spot. We get the deal done in less than half the time.

It would also be fantastic if you asked all your tenants to fill out reviews, or rate on a 5-star scale, so you know what they thought of your property. It would be great to have a blog where you discussed your business - why you bought property X, why you're charging more for property Y than you did last year. It would be fantastic if you let me know exactly what you're doing, and why, so I can make the right choice.

Because all this means that I'd know a lot about you and your business without ever having to meet you. And if I decided I wanted to take a closer look at your houses, I could. I wouldn't have to waste your time, forcing you to drag me round every property you own that matches my criteria. I can decide all of that beforehand, and you can focus on showing me the properties that I choose. It puts me in control, and allows you to be more productive. Win win, I'd say.

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