The Power of Focus

March 20, 2016
Estimated reading time:
1 minute

When you fully and completely focus on what's in front of you, great things happen.

The work you do without distractions rather than in a fragmented, piecemeal fashion isn't just a slightly better -- it's usually orders of magnitude better.

The conversation you have without ever looking at your phone isn't just slightly better -- it's often 5-10x better.

The experience you have when you fully immerse yourself in it, and forget everything else around you isn't just slightly better -- it can be incredible, unbelievable, and sometimes life-changing.

The funny thing is, there are two different ways to achieve this.

The first is to be engaged in something so enthralling -- a personal passion project, an incredible first date, a once-in-a-lifetime trip -- that you forget about things like Twitter and Facebook updates, and get lost in what you're doing.

The second is to deliberately, consciously say no to distractions. To choose to immerse yourself in what you're doing. To truly focus.

Once you realise that you can do that, it's like a superpower. It's just a choice you have to make.

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